Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm Opening an Etsy Shop!

My mom and I have decided to open an Etsy shop to find homes for all the treasures we discover. I don't know if you are like me, but I hate...HATE passing up a good find. And most of the time those diamonds in the rough just need a little TLC.  Unfortunately, unless I have an outlet for all these treasures, I'm going to end up on the next episode of Hoarders (except they will have to title the episode Hoarders...buried alive in a house full of really awesome stuff ...)

The shop is called Behind the Orange Door ( - named for the striking orange front door at my folks house. We will be selling unique, vintage and antique items for the home.  There are a few items up now, with many more on the way.  Here is a little sampling of what BTOD has to offer!

I'm going to post a link on the side of this blog as soon as I figure out how.... 

As a new member of the Etsy community, I figured I'd share some other shops that grabbed my attention the other day!

Kari Herer - absolutely beautiful photography! I'm obsessed. I might need to order a few for myself...

Graphic Spaces - fun quirky clocks, mirrors and bookends to add some kitsch to your space.

Cutting Edge Stencils - great designs give you the look of wallpaper for a fraction of the price.  That is if you have the patience to stencil....Here are just a few of the patterns I liked.

Jason Tennant - these macabre birds will add some drama and movement to any part creepy, ten parts awesome.